Friday 18 July 2014

Travertine Pollard Sadsmash in B flat

Sad news.  

The super and super-weird Egyptian PoMo Homebase on Warwick Road is to be knocked down and replaced with stunning-development unique-opportunity luxury flats.  

This compounds the sadness of the loss of Marco Polo House, the rather nice (and weird) bit of PoMo officery near Battersea Park, which was also designed by Ian Pollard in the 1980s.  This once-shiny travertine confection is likewise being erased to make way for asipration-penthouse-investment lifestyle-exuding sunset-skyview-vista Smeg-fridge-with-Lightning-connector apartments.  As you can see, the title of this blog basically wrote itself.

When I've remembered, I used my phone's camera to film the demolition, from the window of my commute.  The resulting montage captures the slow disembowlement of the building (along with the vagaries of English spring weather, and the background noise on trains).

There's a nice reflection of Battersea Power Station in the luxury windows of the final shot.

Sweet dreams.

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