Showing posts with label Puerile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Puerile. Show all posts

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Shopping: how to make people buy stuff #1

Make your sign look like nice handwriting by someone
who can't do cursive 's's.

1) Make a pun about your food being bland;
2) Use a font that looks a bit 50s and a bit like Comic Sans Bold.

Create some art that looks a bit like a spine.

Sell from a portacabin.
Everyone loves portacabins.

Spell the name of your shop wrong.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Very Bad Things about London: #1 Euston (part one)

London, 1968.

Right, chaps. Thanks for coming.  Do sit down.  Take some tea.  And a biscuit.  Please.

So - we're building a new mainline station for London. Euston - we have a problem!   No seriously, let's stay focused.  And Apollo 13 doesn't launch till 1970.  

So - this station.  It'll serve the entire North West of the country, and up to Scotland too. There're two Underground lines here - well, three if you count to split branches of the Northern Line. So - how many escalators shall we put in?  Hmm.  It is a major London terminus.  A flagship late-60s development and modernisation programme.  Five?  Ha, no Perkins, I think not.  Hmm.  I reckon... one each way. Yeah.  There is no possible way that one escalator could not be enough. I mean, seriously - it would be ludicrous to put more in. Or even leave space for more. No, there could never be a freak set of circumstances in which one escalator would not be grossly generous.  Particularly at rush hour.  Yup, no problems here at all.

See!  Told you.  Huge amounts of capacity.  It's almost embarrassing.
A Sunday afternoon is clearly indicative of the busiest it'll ever get.  

Another thing - we need to help passengers understand the Tube setup here.  This new station should make best use of the brand new Victoria Line, which has only just started running.  It's really important that things are as simple and streamlined as possible.  I think I'll get that Escher guy in again - he did such a good job with the Thamesmead flying walkways.  I have a feeling that this brilliant decision will secure me an MBE...  Just mark my words.

Cyrstal.  Clear. 

Think we're pretty much there, chaps.  All we need now is to destroy the iconic arch out front, jam in a charmless and windswept plaza, and we're done.  

A good day's work, I think.  Pass the biscuits.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Doing society a service

Now they don't even need to open their mouths
 for you to know they're Northern.

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Please refurbish my mouth

Erm.  Are they experts in refurbishing dentists' surgeries, or people's mouths?

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Google+ sexytime

Cripes.  A multimedia groinathon.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Passive agressive: Mexico

Yes, Mexico is *still* waiting.

Foreign: Stockholm

Things I have learnt about Stockholm:

1)  Do not refer to the below as 'the Ikea flag'

2)  Kök is, apparently, not hilarious to the locals.

3)  They make proper coffee and use fresh milk.  Win.

4)  Beer / alcohol / everything is cripplingly expensive.  Fail.

5)  'Normalms polisen' does not mean 'normal police'.

6)  Ö is Alt+0214.  Obviously.